Friday, May 28, 2010

The Westside Birth Connection was born on the Westside

What would possess a person to want to stay up all night, sometimes two or three nights in a row? Is Starbucks coffee really that good? No, it is the fact that mothers are really powerful and it is a blessing to witness women in their power. It is the smell of newborn babies, it is the natural high of oxytocin, and it is seeing a grown man cry. These are some of things I get to witness as a labor/birth doula and as a homebirth midwife assistant. The life of being on call and witnessing miracles happen at birth is glamorous to some, too much of a sacrifice for others. Goodness knows I have to miss my children’s birthday parties once in awhile, I cannot go out of town at a distance that is more than an hour away for 11 months out of the year, and I cannot have more than one glass of wine at a sitting. All because I might get called to a birth! So why did I do it? As for many women in my profession, it started with my first birth experience.


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